Monday 25 January 2010

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Knuckles -

Monday 18 January 2010

Creative CV Examples which inspire me

This is my favorite approach to the CV, I love how he has used humor with a serious matter to make the final result, all though I think that this alone is far to risky.

I found this interesting but in all honesty I don't like it.

I think this is cool but it's far to lengthy with information.

This is the perfect example of something that I would like to produce. It isn't in your face but just by looking at it it is personal, a part of the designer almost a metaphor of him saying if you hire him the whole blood sweat and tears. e.g. hard working, doesn't give up
I like how formal this is although it is pretty much a normal CV with a sneaky header.

This gave me inspiration by making me think about different professional tools in Graphic Design and incorporating them into some sort of CV.

E.g. Pantone booklet

I found this CV interesting although I think it could be a lot better. It is a bit to in your face for my liking in the matter. I don't like the different typefaces used there are too many and the stock colour could be different to white. I think this looks far to much like a effortless print out off an A4 printer.

Friday 8 January 2010

final module

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

During this module I feel as though I have developed a series of different skills ranging from areas such as documentation on blogs all the way to 3D design. In essence I believe that I now have a better understanding of what it takes to make a well structured blog which delivers a clear story. My 3D work could have been a lot better but due to the workshop being so busy at this time of year I was not able to do a lot of things I wanted with the box which I wanted to.

I have started considering different media approaches and distribution such as 3D and digital. I did not apply my digital media as well as I would have liked as my ambitions were narrow to begin with as I did not want to give myself a major workload and over complicate my time and effort.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

Research has been a stronger point for me during this module in particular due to the fact I am creating work for a statistic based audience, my questionnaires helped me out so much in defining whom my target audience is, what they wear, where they go, what they drink, when they sleep, where they shop etc.

I also think the structure of my research is the best structure yet. I used to just do all my context at the start of a brief then it was done with whereas with this brief I have juggled the two, relying on both to get me further on with my project. It has allowed me to be a lot more comfortable with my project with a clear direction of where I was going.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

My development skills, constant analysis and evaluations have been a great strength in this project, Without these my project could have drifted off into no where. Keeping on top of my documentation has allowed me to refer back to my work with a clear understanding of what needs to be done and when, so I am not using my time un-efficiently. My commitment to final products has been at an all time best and has allowed me to learn different ways of working using other facilities around the college.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

My main weakness yet again is time management I believe that I need to book in the print room next time so I have a deadline for my work to be ready for, without any concerns with drop in being booked up or design boards not being printed out in a quality way. I think this is a vital area in which I am losing marks for in the project which is why I must be prepare my self for third year when all this and much more is expected of us.

I think I also need to produce more ideas at the start of a project as it seems although I am producing 20-40 ideas I should be doing so much more which would allow me to work out a fall back plan if anything was to go wrong with an existing concept in a crit or via statistics being incorrect/ just not working as a design.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. Pay attention to workshops that are available and take more dedication in producing a 3D product rather than getting scared about time and rushing delicate areas such as the finish.

2. Be constant of my time, although I had a lot of time to do things, I didn't think about expanding what I could do. It was in my grasp to take this project and do so much more with it rather than a box, I could of made the digital distribution in after effects and made everything much more interactive.

3. Learn from my mistakes, think back to previous projects and notice what the problems were, in order to prevent me from making the same ones again on a new project.

4. Think about more ways to tackle one task, sometimes the easier idea could be much more interesting and look better and in all honesty ( be cheaper)

5. Book in at the digital dungeon at the start of the project so I am ready to print off boards and finals for crits.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:

(5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor)

Attendance: 5

Punctuality: 5

Motivation: 4

Commitment: 4

Quantity of work produced: 3

Quality of work produced: 2

Contribution to the group: 3