Tuesday 16 March 2010

10 Design feedback emails:

Hello John, I’ve been a fan of your work for quite some time; I love how you have such a creative eye for good design. I am currently a student at Leeds and I was curious to whether you could give some feedback on a few samples of my work attached to this email? Or send me any contacts you could suggest who would be interested in this kind of work?
Thanks, Chris

Hi Brad, as you already know I am a big fan of all your work ever since I saw the ‘We speak in swarms’ poster years and years ago, I was just wondering if you can give me some feedback on a few samples of my work attached to this email? Or send me any contacts you could suggest who would be interested in this kind of work?
Thanks, Chris

Hello Ben, I think your work is really impressive and it is really inspirational. I particularly love your portfolio; I am currently a student at Leeds and was just hoping you could spend a moment to have a look at some samples of my work attached to this email and give some feedback? Or send me any contacts you could suggest who would be interested in this kind of work?
Thanks, Chris

Hello Nolan, I think your designs are fantastic and are very inspirational; I particularly love creative CV. I am currently a student at Leeds and I was just wondering if you had a free moment, could you give some feedback on a few samples of my work attached to this email? Or send me any contacts you could suggest who would be interested in this kind of work?
Thanks, Chris

Hello Neil, I have just been looking at your portfolio and I think your work is outstanding. I am currently a student at Leeds and I was just curious if you had a spare moment, could you give feedback on a few samples of my work attached to this email? Or send me any contacts you could suggest who would be interested in this kind of work?
Thanks, Chris

Hello, I struggled finding out who I was actually addressing in this e-mail. I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of all your work and find it very inspirational and unique. I am currently a student at Leeds and I was just wondering if you had a chance if you could give me some feedback on a few samples of my work attached to this email. Or send me any contacts you could suggest who would be interested in this kind of work?
Thanks, Chris

Hello, I struggled finding out who I was actually addressing in this e-mail. I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of your work and I think your website is one of the best designed design websites I have seen. I am currently a student at Leeds and was wondering If you have a chance could you perhaps give some feedback on a few samples of my work attached to this email. Or send me any contacts you could suggest who would be interested in this kind of work?
Thanks, Chris

Hello, I struggled finding out who I was actually addressing in this e-mail. I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of your work and I think your website is one of the best designed design websites I have seen around. I am currently a student at Leeds and I was just wondering if you have a chance could you give some feedback on a few samples of my work attached to this email. Or send me any contacts you could suggest who would be interested in this kind of work?
Thanks, Chris
Hello, I struggled finding out who I was actually addressing in this e-mail. I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of your work. I am currently a student at Leeds and I was just wondering if you have a chance could you give some feedback on a few samples of my work attached to this email. Or send me any contacts you could suggest who would be interested in this kind of work?
Thanks, Chris

Hello, I struggled finding out who I was actually addressing in this e-mail. I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of your work, I really love you’re Graphics and Photography. I am currently a student at Leeds and I was just wondering if you have a chance could you give some feedback on a few samples of my work attached to this email. Or send me any contacts you could suggest who would be interested in this kind of work?
Thanks, Chris

Friday 12 March 2010

Portfolio page two

My second page for my work is from the traditional tattoos are good which shows a brand that has been made for a product of t shirts that have a material which makes it as though the wearer of the t shirts have tattoos without the concern of actually getting them.

Portfolio page one

This is from my image module inwhich I combine my vector art with photography to make an interesting Typographic piece relevent to the journals article 'I use to steal double decker busses'

Poppy appeal

I designed some poppy work for the British Legion which was then taken to the RBLR branch which loved my design and wated to make it into a badge for the riders, sold at £4.50, £1.50 goes towards the poppy appeal and the rest to production costs. I have sold over 400 so far, also heard news that my merchendise will also be produce as regards to my original belt buckle design.

Below is an image of the belt buckle design with ideas of colour, scale and function, this is for when I go up to Birmingham with one of the members of the Legion to discuss with the belt buckle manufacturer what I could do with my product and how much it would cost to produce with such a colour scheme.

Wednesday 10 March 2010


This is my design for how I want my website to look, the first click onto my website will bring you to this screen below with a selection of 5 buttons:
- Home
- Portfolio
- Blog
- Contact
- Personal
Home is basically this page, the colour is purple to display a luxery feel towards what I want to offer with my work which also colour co-ordinates with my logos colour.

Portoflio is basically a select few of my latest accomplishments which I am happy to digitaly show as my best work. I have made these into thumbnails which when clicked will be enlarged. I would like my website to be a no scroll site in order to keep it a fast smooth running site.

Personal will show areas of design that I have done for myself and have not produced commercialy, among this will be illustrations, drawings and spray work.

Blog will simply be a link to my OUGD blogs inwhich I have carried out a series of ongoing work. and Contact will be my contact info ranging from my e-mail to name and number, also on here I may put in CV which will open a link to my digital cv.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Tuesday 2 March 2010

My Identity

Right so what would be a good logo for me? Christopher Matthews, I want it to be personal, creative and I want to like it. As of today I officialy have found something I like which couldn't get much more personal: