Wednesday 10 March 2010


This is my design for how I want my website to look, the first click onto my website will bring you to this screen below with a selection of 5 buttons:
- Home
- Portfolio
- Blog
- Contact
- Personal
Home is basically this page, the colour is purple to display a luxery feel towards what I want to offer with my work which also colour co-ordinates with my logos colour.

Portoflio is basically a select few of my latest accomplishments which I am happy to digitaly show as my best work. I have made these into thumbnails which when clicked will be enlarged. I would like my website to be a no scroll site in order to keep it a fast smooth running site.

Personal will show areas of design that I have done for myself and have not produced commercialy, among this will be illustrations, drawings and spray work.

Blog will simply be a link to my OUGD blogs inwhich I have carried out a series of ongoing work. and Contact will be my contact info ranging from my e-mail to name and number, also on here I may put in CV which will open a link to my digital cv.

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