Saturday 6 February 2010


I believe that at this moment in my career, I would like to focus on a greater understanding in different approaches to design as well as understanding culture better, in doing this I will gain a stronger understanding of other areas as well as developing an informative background knowledge upon different areas and thier design perspective, and most improtantly knowing what to say and what not to say in certain places (a understanding of the areas history, its highs, its lows, its fame, its fraud.

- I would like to gain a greater understanding on Graphic Design and I have a strong ambition to do a Masters in Design in New York, Originally I wanted to study at Parsons New School of Design in New York, However the prices to do so are far greater than I can afford, So I am still looking where I can go, I am looking into a teaching degree first to generate money for a masters, London is another place I am looking towards going.

- I would like to develop some freelance work at the same time as this. A few places I would be interested in advertising are some rock bars, bus and clubs, I'd like to make some posters/ flyers or other forms of advertising for the following companies, Rio's, Cockpit, Dry dock and Bar Risa. However I'd love to design for any clubs or promotion nights.

- Over the summer I would like to see a range of different design companies to gain a greater understanding of how the different companies work/ respind to briefs given. I have contacted a few agencies I have had an interest in: The Factory, Fifty five five, Jam spread, Tiger print and a few others but I have lacked replies.

- If my plan goes wrong (economicaly) for the Higher Education Course, I would like to travel to different places based in the US/ Canada. I have been gathering together A portfolio of different design companies based in Newfoundland, and New York. I'm still looking at a few more agencies around the US but I need to think about where I would actualy like to work and where my design would fit the best.

- As I am relatively young in comparison to a lot of designers around the world, I would like to get as much under my belt as possible (hence the masters) I believe if I do not get to New York straight away, I may never go. I will need to do an A level in English before I go to New York as it is required to have a college level of English to work at with/ get accepted in New York.

- If I was to work for a Design company of my choice, I would love to work for MTV Music Channels. I'd love to produce promotional material such as I-dents, Characters and stuff like that, Another channel I love is E4 the advertisment approach appeals to me in a way.

- I really like to manipulate things and change the way people think about everyday life and objects we use in everyday life. I really love coming up with small tag lines which gets people thinking. I need to develop a greater technology understanding in different media effects.

- I am not fully aware of where I'd like my Design career to take me or where I am going to end up after education finishes. But I have a strong goal for after the BA Degree finishes which is all I need at the moment in time, the rest is to far ahead for me to understand.

- I wouldn't mind making a little online store where I could sell clothes that I have designed along with posters and stickers, But that isn't for a economical bennefit.

- In conclusion I believe what I want to do with my life is make the most of it, experience things that not many people had the chance or confidence to do, I'd like to make a change, I want to make a name for myself. Within it all New York is the major goal to end up (settle down) but the rest is still unwritten, who knows what will happen, But I have full confidence in myself that I am going to make it happen.

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