Tuesday 2 February 2010

Video graphics

This is one of my favorite bands songs called Josie, the video consists of different elements of manipulation that relates to the lyrcs, some of my favorite bits are these points in the video:

I love how the type is placed to appear as though a tower is being built then when it gets to
the climax of the introduction it all falls down and the composition is manipulated to make it seem as though there is a camera wrapping around the type as it falls.

This is a key element in the video as I mentioned earlier where a certain word is used in a way that shows its meaning 'around' I love how this is used without having to get to technical.

Another example of this is the word down. I think its really cool how there is such a limited palette used in the first part in the video. It really compliments the animation.

One of the most interesting bits in the song is when the colour scheme changes and
splatters of type with lyrics from the song shoot around the screen.

I think that how the letters are manipulated here are amazing, stating the word
'Please' and then the 'p' falls down with a swing to make the word 'don't' simple and so effective.

I think how using the counter of a shape as a door to another word is genius, i love this idea.

Using msn as a form of type is so smart, I think that this compliments the whole situation of the song and looks amazing.

The only thing I have against the video is the use of image, I think it looks poor and does the video no justice. If this were mine I would not hesitate to get rid of the image.

Below are a few more videos i found inspirational:

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